Abu Garcia Verdict Spinning Rod Abu Garcia VCS66-1-1
What you can find what is good and so much more. Abu Garcia Verdict Spinning Rod Abu Garcia VCS66-1-1 is based on the answers you're looking for. And can meet your needs as well. I bought Abu Garcia Verdict Spinning Rod Abu Garcia VCS66-1-1 from the Internet. And try it out. Abu Garcia Verdict Spinning Rod Abu Garcia VCS66-1-1 is a friend of my friend. I want them to be of good quality, but I really would recommend it to you. Although Abu Garcia Verdict Spinning Rod Abu Garcia VCS66-1-1 may be a product with the brand. But it took a lot of very good quality.Ask ten anglers what the right handle length is and you’ll get ten different answers. Fish a multitude of lures or lightweight reels on one rod and you’ll have balance nighares. Fish with a new Verdict rod from Abu and solve all those problems and more.
The Extending Handle System allows you to set your handle to a desired length when using the newest lightweight reel designs. This allows you to create a perfect balance of handle length and feel while fishing with any technique.
• Extending Handle System allows for balance and ergonomic enhancement
• 36 Ton graphite construction for a lightweight and balanced design
• One piece double anodized aluminum screw down creates a secure connection
• High density EVA handles are more durable and comfortable
• Titanium alloy guides with SiC inserts create a lightweight, balanced blank design
• Texas-rigged hook keeper for all bait applications
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