Blue Mini Pocket Aluminum Alloy Fish Pen Fishing Rod Pole with Baitcasting Reel--Ideal Fishing Set for Fishing Enthusiast or Collectors
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Main Features:
Golden Pen Fishing Rod:
Pen Length: 7.9 inch(20cm)
Max. Extended Length: about 37inch(95cm)
Pen Diameter: 15mm
Material: Fibre glass(pole), aluminium alloy(pen)
Fishing Reel:
One baitcasting golden reel
Rolling Diameter: Approx.1.8 inch(4.5cm)
Length of the body: Approx.1.7 inch(4.2cm)
Body Diameter: Approx.1.1 inch(2.7cm)
Material: Aluminium alloy, brass
Components Included:
1x Golden pen fishing rod
1x Fishing reel
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